Thursday, August 14, 2008

Japan Quick Facts 2011

  • AGE: At least 4.5 billion years old
  • SIZE: 7,926.41 miles (12,756.32 km)equatorial diameter
  • MASS: 6,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 short tons.
  • SURFACE AREA: 196,800,000 square miles (509,700,000 square km)
  • ATMOSPHERE COMPOSITION: Nitrogen (78%), oxygen (1%), argon (1%), with other gases making up the remainder.
  • CRUST COMPOSITION: Oxygen (46.6%), silicon (27.7%), aluminum (8.1%), iron (5%), calcium (3.6%), sodium (2.8%), potassium (2.6%), magnesium (2%), and other elements making up the remainder.
  • TEMPERATURE: Ranging from 136 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius) to -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.6 degrees Celsius). 57 degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius) average
  • ONE DAY: 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds (We round this to 24 hours)
  • ONE YEAR: 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9.54 seconds (We round this to 365 days)
  • DISTINCTIVE FEATURE: (One of the) Only planet that supports life.

Intro:We all need sunlight and warmth for life. If the earth was too close, it would be too hot for living things and if it were too far, it would be too cold. Also, water is a key element for all living things, and the earth has plenty. crust forms the surface of the earth. It is a thin layer of rock. Life on earth is either on the crust or in the water, which covers 70 percent of it. Below the crust is hot rock and below this is a ball of metal at the center. earth is the fifth largest planet and the third planet from the sun. Its diameter is 8,000 miles long. earth is about 93 million miles from the sun. The atmosphere of Earth contains enough oxygen to sustain life. This can be compared to with other planets such as Mars, where it consists of only carbon dioxide.